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The Newest Olympian

Has the Percy Jackson series been slept on by society? Join Mike Schubert as he journeys through the Riordanverse for the first time with the help of longtime PJO fans to cover the plot, take stabs at what happens next, and nerd out over the Greek mythology throughout. Whether you're looking for an excuse to finally read these books, or want to re-read an old favorite with a digital book club, grab your blue chocolate chip cookies and listen along. New episodes release on Mondays wherever you get your podcasts!

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Folgen von The Newest Olympian

170 Folgen
  • Folge vom 18.12.2023
    BONUS | PJO TV Interviews w/ Becky & Rick Riordan, Jon Steinberg, Dan Shotz, James Bobin, and Tish Monaghan
    BONUS EPISODE WOO! Thanks to me being considered a member of the press *adjusts monocle*, I was able to interview some folks involved in the production of the upcoming Percy Jackson and the Olympians Disney+ series! This batch of interviews are ones that aren't about specific upcoming episodes, but just about the series as a whole. Topics include: PJO humor, walking like a goat, horse smells, Muppet Percy Jackson, horse angles, The Met geometry, The Plaid Process, and more!    — Find The Newest Olympian Online — • Website: • Patreon: • Twitter: • Instagram: • Facebook: • Reddit: • Merch:   — Production — • Creator, Host, Producer, Social Media, Web Design: Mike Schubert • Editor: Sherry Guo • Music: Bettina Campomanes and Brandon Grugle • Art: Jessica E. Boyd   — About The Show — Is Percy Jackson the book series we should’ve been reading all along? Join Mike Schubert as he reads through the books for the first time with the help of longtime PJO fans to cover the plot, take stabs at what happens next, and nerd out over Greek mythology. Whether you're looking for an excuse to finally read these books, or want to re-read an old favorite with a digital book club, grab your blue chocolate chip cookies and listen along. New episodes release on Mondays wherever you get your podcasts! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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      Radio hören mit phonostar Help layer phonostarplayer Um Radio anzuhören, stehen dir bei phonostar zwei Möglichkeiten zur Verfügung: Entweder hörst du mit dem Online-Player direkt in deinem Browser, oder du nutzt den phonostar-Player. Der phonostar-Player ist eine kostenlose Software für PC und Mac, mit der du Radio unabhängig von deinem Browser finden, hören und sogar aufnehmen kannst. ›››› phonostar-Player gratis herunterladen X
  • Folge vom 11.12.2023
    107 | Greek Mythology in The Last Olympian w/ Dr. Moiya McTier
    The Last Olympian was filled with new characters and stories with foundations in Greek mythology, so to learn more about them, we've brought in our mythological correspondent, Dr. Moiya McTier! Topics include: marinating, Amphitrite, Chrysaor, hyper-fraternal twins, biology, Punnet Squares, Aeolus, Prometheus, Michael Fassbender, airplane movies, appendix knowledge, Epimetheus, Pandora, Hyperboreans, Frost Giants, Clazmonian Sow, The Jersey Devil, Percy Jackson’s Greek Gods, dick blood, Cyclops biology, Madeline Miller, Hebe, mouth sound reduction, and more! TNO LIVE in TX, FL, CO, and AZ:    Thanks to our sponsor, Factor! Get 50% off with code "olympianstar50" at   — Find The Newest Olympian Online — • Website: • Patreon: • Twitter: • Instagram: • Facebook: • Reddit: • Merch:   — Production — • Creator, Host, Producer, Social Media, Web Design: Mike Schubert • Editor: Sherry Guo • Music: Bettina Campomanes and Brandon Grugle • Art: Jessica E. Boyd   — About The Show — Is Percy Jackson the book series we should’ve been reading all along? Join Mike Schubert as he reads through the books for the first time with the help of longtime PJO fans to cover the plot, take stabs at what happens next, and nerd out over Greek mythology. Whether you're looking for an excuse to finally read these books, or want to re-read an old favorite with a digital book club, grab your blue chocolate chip cookies and listen along. New episodes release on Mondays wherever you get your podcasts! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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      Radio hören mit phonostar Help layer phonostarplayer Um Radio anzuhören, stehen dir bei phonostar zwei Möglichkeiten zur Verfügung: Entweder hörst du mit dem Online-Player direkt in deinem Browser, oder du nutzt den phonostar-Player. Der phonostar-Player ist eine kostenlose Software für PC und Mac, mit der du Radio unabhängig von deinem Browser finden, hören und sogar aufnehmen kannst. ›››› phonostar-Player gratis herunterladen X
  • Folge vom 07.12.2023
    BONUS | PJO TV Show Interviews and More from New York Comic Con
    SURPRISE! Back in October, I was able to attend New York Comic Con as a member of the press (I know), which allowed me to watch the Percy Jackson TV Show panel and interview various members of the production team! It was a whirwind of an experience and everyone invovled in the show was a delight to interview. In this bonus ep I talk about the whole experience, concluding with audio clips from the questions I was able to ask and the insightful answers I received! Enjoy and get hyped for the TV show and the TNO eps about it!   — Find The Newest Olympian Online — • Website: • Patreon: • Twitter: • Instagram: • Facebook: • Reddit: • Merch:   — Production — • Creator, Host, Producer, Social Media, Web Design: Mike Schubert • Editor: Sherry Guo (This ep edited by Mike Schubert) • Music: Bettina Campomanes and Brandon Grugle • Art: Jessica E. Boyd   — About The Show — Is Percy Jackson the book series we should’ve been reading all along? Join Mike Schubert as he reads through the books for the first time with the help of longtime PJO fans to cover the plot, take stabs at what happens next, and nerd out over Greek mythology. Whether you're looking for an excuse to finally read these books, or want to re-read an old favorite with a digital book club, grab your blue chocolate chip cookies and listen along. New episodes release on Mondays wherever you get your podcasts! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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      Radio hören mit phonostar Help layer phonostarplayer Um Radio anzuhören, stehen dir bei phonostar zwei Möglichkeiten zur Verfügung: Entweder hörst du mit dem Online-Player direkt in deinem Browser, oder du nutzt den phonostar-Player. Der phonostar-Player ist eine kostenlose Software für PC und Mac, mit der du Radio unabhängig von deinem Browser finden, hören und sogar aufnehmen kannst. ›››› phonostar-Player gratis herunterladen X
  • Folge vom 04.12.2023
    106 | THE UNCLE RICK EMAILS w/ Melissa Anelli & Meghan Fitzmartin
    Finally, we have reached Rick Riordan's greatest writing: his scathing emails to the production team behind the film version of The Lightning Thief. First, Melissa joins to cover the movie's history and reception. Then, Meghan hops aboard to dissect the emails themselves. Topics include: Benjamin Sniddlegrass, Christmas With the Franks, Twilight, Cheaper by the Baker’s Dozen, “Read another book,” The Last of Us, Taylor Swift, Pride & Prejudice, The Hunger Games, sus recommendations, spaced out ellipses, #PettinessWins, Twilight, Megan Thee Email, Eragon, The Hunger Games, spit take, The Riordan Cut, Oxford commas, Macguffins, Beetleborgs, and more!   Watch the Sea of Monsters stream: TNO Merch:   — Find The Newest Olympian Online — • Website: • Patreon: • Twitter: • Instagram: • Facebook: • Reddit: • Merch:   — Production — • Creator, Host, Producer, Social Media, Web Design: Mike Schubert • Editor: Sherry Guo • Music: Bettina Campomanes and Brandon Grugle • Art: Jessica E. Boyd   — About The Show — Is Percy Jackson the book series we should’ve been reading all along? Join Mike Schubert as he reads through the books for the first time with the help of longtime PJO fans to cover the plot, take stabs at what happens next, and nerd out over Greek mythology. Whether you're looking for an excuse to finally read these books, or want to re-read an old favorite with a digital book club, grab your blue chocolate chip cookies and listen along. New episodes release on Mondays wherever you get your podcasts! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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      Radio hören mit phonostar Help layer phonostarplayer Um Radio anzuhören, stehen dir bei phonostar zwei Möglichkeiten zur Verfügung: Entweder hörst du mit dem Online-Player direkt in deinem Browser, oder du nutzt den phonostar-Player. Der phonostar-Player ist eine kostenlose Software für PC und Mac, mit der du Radio unabhängig von deinem Browser finden, hören und sogar aufnehmen kannst. ›››› phonostar-Player gratis herunterladen X