This Jazz Piano Lesson will help you discover, learn, and play Triads using Major and Minor shapes played harmonically and melodically; an essential jazz piano skill in preparation for improvisation development. Be sure to Download the Podcast Guide for this podcast that musically notates all twelve major and minor triads in root position and inversions; an invaluable educational tool to reference while studying and practicing these fundamental (and absolutely essential) shapes and sounds. Download Podcast Guide.You can listen to this Podcast Episode at JazzPianoSkills and have access to the SpeakPipe Widget that allows you to speak immediately and directly to Dr. Bob Lawrence. Ask your questions, get answers, and interact one-on-one with Bob.PODCAST LESSON OUTLINEC Major TriadDemonstrated harmonically and melodicallyRoot Position C E G1st Inversion E G C2nd Inversion G C EC Minor TriadDemonstrated harmonically and melodicallyRoot Position C Eb G1st Inversion Eb G C2nd Inversion G C EbVisit for a comprehensive curriculum of jazz piano courses and lessons exploring the essential jazz piano skills used by professional jazz pianists.Support the show
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Jazz Piano Skills Folgen
A podcast introducing aspiring Jazz Pianists to essential Jazz Piano Skills. Professional Jazz Piano Lessons by Dr. Bob Lawrence, President The Dallas School of Music
Folgen von Jazz Piano Skills
272 Folgen
Folge vom 17.02.2020Triads, Pt. 1
Folge vom 11.02.2020Stationary Improvisation, Pt. 2This Jazz Piano Lesson will help you discover, learn, and play Stationary Improvisation using Cyclical Quadruplet Patterns. Be sure to Download the Podcast Guide for this podcast that musically notates various Cyclical Quadruplet combinations for each of the twelve minor chords launching from the root, 3rd, 5th, and 7th of the sound; an invaluable educational tool to reference while studying and practicing. Download Podcast Guide.You can listen to this Podcast Episode at JazzPianoSkills and have access to the SpeakPipe Widget that allows you to speak immediately and directly to Dr. Bob Lawrence. Ask your questions, get answers, and interact one-on-one with Bob.PODCAST LESSON OUTLINEF Minor Cyclical Quadruplets CombinationsLaunching from RootF Ab G FEb C D EbLaunching from 3rdAb Bb C AbF Eb D FLaunching from 5thC Ab Bb CEb G F EbLaunching from 7thEb D C EbF G Ab FVisit for a comprehensive curriculum of jazz piano courses and lessons exploring the essential jazz piano skills used by professional jazz pianists.Support the show
Folge vom 03.02.2020Stationary Improvisation, Pt. 1This Jazz Piano Lesson will help you discover, learn, and play Stationary Improvisation using Cyclical Quadruplet Patterns. Be sure to Download the Podcast Guide for this podcast that musically notates 16 Cyclical Quadruplets for each of the twelve minor chords; an invaluable educational tool to reference while studying and practicing. Download Podcast Guide.You can listen to this Podcast Episode at JazzPianoSkills and have access to the SpeakPipe Widget that allows you to speak immediately and directly to Dr. Bob Lawrence. Ask your questions, get answers, and interact one-on-one with Bob.PODCAST LESSON OUTLINEF Minor Cyclical QuadrupletsLaunching from RootF Ab G FF D Eb FF G Ab FF Eb D FLaunching from 3rdAb C Bb AbAb F G AbAb Bb C AbAb G F AbLaunching from 5thC Eb D FC Ab Bb CC D Eb CC Bb Ab CLaunching from 7thEb G F EbEb C D EbEb F G EbEb D C EbVisit for a comprehensive curriculum of jazz piano courses and lessons exploring the essential jazz piano skills used by professional jazz pianists.Support the show
Folge vom 27.01.2020Practice Minor Sound, MelodicallyThis Jazz Piano Lesson will help you discover, learn, and play the Minor Sound, Melodically using scale and arpeggio motion that includes the entire sound from the root to the 13th. Be sure to Download the Podcast Guide for this podcast that musically notates the minor scales and arpeggios for all twelve minor chords; an invaluable educational tool to reference while studying and practicing. Download Podcast Guide.You can listen to this Podcast Episode at JazzPianoSkills and have access to the SpeakPipe Widget that allows you to speak immediately and directly to Dr. Bob Lawrence. Ask your questions, get answers, and interact one-on-one with Bob.PODCAST LESSON OUTLINEC Minor Scale & Arpeggio, 5thC D Eb F GC Eb GC Minor Scale & Arpeggio, 7thC D EB F G A BbC Eb G BbC Minor Scale & Arpeggio, 9thC D Eb F G A Bb C DC Eb G Bb DC Minor Scale & Arpeggio, 11thC D Eb F G A Bb C D Eb FC Eb G Bb D FC Minor Scale & Arpeggio, 13thC D Eb F G A Bb C D Eb F G AC Eb G Bb D F AVisit for a comprehensive curriculum of jazz piano courses and lessons exploring the essential jazz piano skills used by professional jazz pianists.Support the show