The fallout from one dreadful day when he seven years old, and the realisation his father was incapable of loving him, traumatised writer Rick Morton in a way he’s never truly understood.
Rick discusses his Complex PTSD diagnosis, and how, as a result, he’s decided to live life as he has never lived it before: openly and vulnerably.

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239 Folgen
Folge vom 12.05.2021Rick Morton discusses trauma and his Complex PTSD diagnosis
Folge vom 11.05.2021The birth of the universeFollowing the first light to the dawn of the cosmos. New technology allows us to glimpse more of the earliest beginnings of the universe and with that it helps us to predict the future. Join a constellation of astrophysicists as they explore what the first stars looked like, the nature of dark energy and how the acceleration of the universe might end.
Folge vom 10.05.2021Human trafficking and modern slavery in AsiaModern slavery takes many forms. There's forced marriage , child labour and workers toiling in sweatshop conditions. Poorly paid workers are often behind the cheap consumer goods we buy and some of those workers will be in bondage to traffickers. Human trafficking is a feature of many global industries and we know that the victims we find are just the tip of the iceberg.
Folge vom 06.05.2021Evil witches – what their role in fairy tales tells us about societyHow do you feel about the Evil Queen in Snow White? Yes - she tried to kill her stepdaughter three times, but is she really the villain? The evil witches in fairy tales reflect cultural anxieties and they fight against set norms of society. The aging witch against the virgin beauty – did it ever occur to you that the Evil Queen and Snow White might be the same person?