Our series exploring five years in the 20th century that shaped the world ends with the year 1989. The Berlin Wall comes tumbling down. There are democratic uprisings in Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Poland and Hungary. A riot in Tiananmen Square in Beijing is met with a fierce crackdown. *This episode originally aired on Jan. 26, 2024.
Kultur & GesellschaftPolitik
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IDEAS is a deep-dive into contemporary thought and intellectual history. No topic is off-limits. In the age of clickbait and superficial headlines, it's for people who like to think.
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232 Folgen
Folge vom 09.08.2024The Hinge Years: 1989 | Uprisings and Downfalls
Folge vom 08.08.2024Rats: Facing Our Fears, Part TwoFor millennia, rats have been portrayed as violent and disgusting. But rats have aided in our self-understanding. IDEAS contributor Moira Donovan investigates the contributions rats have made to humanity and whether co-existing with rats means coming to understand their role in our ecosystem. *This episode originally aired on October 27, 2020.
Folge vom 08.08.2024Rats: Haunting Humanity’s FootstepsDespite their admirable qualities, rats have long been reviled as disgusting and aggressive animals. IDEAS contributor Moira Donovan explores how rats have come to occupy a position as cultural villain — and how they’ve shaped human history along the way. *This episode originally aired on October 26, 2020.
Folge vom 07.08.2024Historian uses Canadian prize money to buy drones for UkraineFor Timothy Garton Ash, Europe is an idea — and an ideal — worth celebrating and preserving, even against all the forces acting against it right now. The historian, who won the 2024 Lionel Gelber Prize, is using his prize money to buy drones for Ukraine in the war against Russia. *This episode originally aired on May 15, 2024.