Pod Save the People

NachrichtenKultur & GesellschaftPolitik

Pod Save the People

Organizer and activist DeRay Mckesson explores news, culture, social justice, and politics with analysis from Kaya Henderson, De’Ara Balenger, and others. Then he sits down for deep conversations with experts, influencers, and diverse local and national leaders. New episodes every Tuesday.

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Folgen von Pod Save the People

378 Folgen
  • Folge vom 06.12.2022
    Learn Something New (with Sam Quinones)
    DeRay, Myles, and Kaya  cover the underreported news of the week— including unexploded bombs on Hawaiian lands, US army bases named after Confederate traitors, and a Strange Loop broadway play review.  DeRay interviews Sam Quinones about his newest book The Least of Us: True Tales of America and Hope in the Time of Fentanyl and Meth. News:Myles https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/11/theater/strange-loop-broadway-closing.htmlDeRay https://www.propublica.org/article/native-hawaiians-land-housing-army-corps-engineersKaya https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/04/us/politics/army-bases-confederate-names.htmlhttps://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/02/us/politics/army-base-names-south-confederates.html
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  • Folge vom 29.11.2022
    Tap In (with Wendy Sawyer)
    DeRay, Myles, De'Ara and Kaya  cover the underreported news of the week— including a hip-hop store ran by undercover cops, Chance the Rapper's free music festival in Ghana, top universities boycott school rankings, and a pedophilic Balenciaga ad campaign. DeRay interviews Wendy Sawyer of the Prison Policy Initiative and her most recent report titled All Profit, No Risk: How the bail industry exploits the justice system.NewsDeRay  https://www.vice.com/en/article/dy74jk/fake-record-store-operation-peyzacDe'Ara  https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/chance-the-rapper-interview-black-star-line-festival-ghana-1234635605/Kaya  https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/18/us/law-school-rankings-test-scores.htmlMyles  https://www.forbes.com/sites/pamdanziger/2022/11/25/balenciagas-teddy-bear-ad-is-a-warning-against-pushing-luxury-too-far/?sh=52dff4b05fd1
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  • Folge vom 15.11.2022
    Find a Book (with Kevin Hazzard)
    DeRay, Myles, De'Ara and Kaya  cover the underreported news of the week— including the newest additions to the national portrait gallery, youth voters turn back midterm red wave, an out of touch Broadway play, and a UK law that will make you do the time even if you were not present for the crime. DeRay interviews Kevin Hazzard about his newest book American Sirens: The Incredible Story of the Black Men Who Became America's First Paramedics.News:De’Ara https://deadline.com/2022/11/national-portrait-gallery-portrait-of-a-nation-gala-anthony-fauci-1235171136/Kaya https://tennesseelookout.com/2022/11/11/young-black-and-latino-voters-seen-as-key-in-turning-back-midterm-red-wave/DeRay https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/12/world/europe/uk-criminal-justice.htmlMyles https://twitter.com/pharaohrapture/status/1591629567583739904
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  • Folge vom 08.11.2022
    Enjoy the Light (with Dr. Rebecca Kavanagh)
    DeRay, Myles, De'Ara and Kaya  cover the underreported news of the week— including Black women Republicans in Congress, the correlation between Black women's health and retirement planning, a Native American adoption law in Supreme Court, and an unusual casting for Rihanna's Savage Fenty show. DeRay interviews Dr. Rebecca Kavanaugh about her recent Teen Vogue op-ed about the reemergence of the D.A.R.E. program in school districts across the nation. https://www.teenvogue.com/story/dare-program-back-schoolsNews:De’Ara https://19thnews.org/2022/11/jennifer-ruth-green-black-republican-congress/DeRay https://fortune.com/well/2022/11/02/for-black-women-health-plays-an-outsized-role-in-retirement-planning/Kaya https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/07/health/native-american-adoption-icwa.htmlMyles https://www.cnn.com/style/article/rihanna-savage-fenty-show-johnny-depp-cast-backlash/index.html
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