Pod Save the People

NachrichtenKultur & GesellschaftPolitik

Pod Save the People

Organizer and activist DeRay Mckesson explores news, culture, social justice, and politics with analysis from Kaya Henderson, De’Ara Balenger, and others. Then he sits down for deep conversations with experts, influencers, and diverse local and national leaders. New episodes every Tuesday.

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Folgen von Pod Save the People

379 Folgen
  • Folge vom 17.08.2021
    Remember To Love In A Big Way (with Coby Kennedy)
    DeRay, Kaya, Sam, and De'Ara cover the underreported news of the week, including Judge Eunice Lee, universal basic income, Simmont Thomas, and SNAP benefit increases. DeRay interviews artist Coby Kennedy to discuss his installation art piece "Kalief Browder: The Box" on display in Brooklyn's Pioneer Works Garden. DeRay: https://www.baltimoresun.com/news/crime/bs-md-ci-cr-gorwell-retirement-20210811-ekgfhoj2cbglvklnssgolpicoi-story.htmlKaya: https://apnews.com/article/health-coronavirus-pandemic-9832ab299bd1a5953f305ec1ae2b8ea9De'Ara: https://newsone.com/4182991/eunice-lees-confirmation-continues-biden-promise-of-diverse-judiciary/Sam: https://www.businessinsider.com/universal-basic-income-new-mexico-guaranteed-monthly-payments-santa-fe-2021-8Cody Kennedy's The Box: https://pioneerworks.org/exhibitions/coby-kennedy-kalief-browder-the-box For a transcript of this episode, please visit crooked.com/podsavethepeople
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  • Folge vom 10.08.2021
    Get the Coffee (with Jonathan McCrory)
    DeRay, Kaya, Sam, and De'Ara cover the underreported news of the week, including forensic science reform, a Wegmans warehouse, the wealth gap in education, and Rebecca Hall's graphic novel "Wake." DeRay interviews Jonathan McCrory of the National Black Theatre.DeRay: https://theintercept.com/2021/08/08/forensic-science-reform-justice-department/Kaya: https://www.washingtonpost.com/magazine/2021/08/04/why-are-african-american-residents-this-small-town-determined-block-wegmans-warehouse/Sam: https://www.wsj.com/articles/college-was-supposed-to-close-the-wealth-gap-for-black-americans-the-opposite-happened-11628328602De'Ara: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/nbcblk/new-graphic-novel-reveals-black-womens-hidden-role-slave-revolts-rcna1573For a transcript of this episode, please visit crooked.com/podsavethepeople
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  • Folge vom 03.08.2021
    Go Make Friends (with Michael Levine & Makeda Mays Green)
    DeRay, Kaya, Sam, and De'Ara cover the underreported news of the week, including small town prisons, #SheWillRise, reductions in the poverty rate, and reverse search warrants. DeRay interviews Michael Levine and Makeda Mays Green from Nickelodeon about how kids interact with entertainment.DeRay: https://www.themarshallproject.org/2021/06/10/small-towns-used-to-see-prisons-as-a-boon-now-many-don-t-want-themKaya: https://www.vox.com/recode/22565926/police-law-enforcement-data-warrantSam: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/28/us/politics/covid-poverty-aid-programs.htmlDe'Ara: https://people.com/politics/meet-women-fighting-to-nominate-black-woman-to-supreme-court/For a transcript of this episode, please visit crooked.com/podsavethepeople
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  • Folge vom 27.07.2021
    Get the Photos (with Tigray Action Committee)
    DeRay, Kaya, Sam, and De'Ara cover the underreported news of the week, including Black policewomen, the Cleveland Guardians, executive clemency, and Philadelphia's law enforcement corruption. DeRay interviews Millete Birhanemaskel of Tigray Action Committee about the war in Ethiopia.DeRay: https://www.inquirer.com/news/a/philadelphia-homicide-detectives-bribes-exonerations-murder-20210720.htmlKaya: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/23/sports/baseball/cleveland-guardians.htmlSam: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/19/us/politics/biden-prisoners-covid.htmlDe'Ara: https://www.vice.com/en/article/88ndwv/black-women-hired-police-chiefs-columbus-ohio-elaine-bryantTake Crooked's listener survey this week: crooked.com/surveyFor a transcript of this episode, please visit crooked.com/podsavethepeople
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