Pod Save the People

NachrichtenKultur & GesellschaftPolitik

Pod Save the People

Organizer and activist DeRay Mckesson explores news, culture, social justice, and politics with analysis from Kaya Henderson, De’Ara Balenger, and others. Then he sits down for deep conversations with experts, influencers, and diverse local and national leaders. New episodes every Tuesday.

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Folgen von Pod Save the People

378 Folgen
  • Folge vom 10.04.2018
    Race is Making Everything About Me (LIVE from Nat Geo HQ)
    DeRay, Brittany, Sam and Clint are live from National Geographic HQ in Washington, D.C. to discuss race and science, MLK, Maya Angelou, and the news, and DeRay has a conversation about black holes, women in STEM and race and genetics with Nat Geo explorers Jedidah Isler and Keolu Fox.
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  • Folge vom 03.04.2018
    The Formula
    The full crew is together for the news, including a discussion of new evidence in the Alton Sterling case. Derek Thomson, author of Hit Makers, joins DeRay to help us understand how certain things become a hit, while others don’t. Beyoncé, social movements, Parkland and Billboard’s Top 100 are all discussed. 
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  • Folge vom 27.03.2018
    Don’t Leave Anyone Behind
    DeRay, Sam, Brittany and Clint talk about Koch brothers spreading fake news in the Black community, how NY is forgetting juveniles in its prison system, a new study on race and class, and how WI is tinkering with election laws. Senator Tammy Duckworth (IL) joins DeRay from the Hill to talk about gun policy, the FBI, ICE practices, arcane maternity leave policies in the Senate, opioids and more.
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  • Folge vom 20.03.2018
    People Built This
    DeRay, Sam, Clint, and Brittany talk about the assassination of Marielle Franco, charging low-income college students to stay on campus during breaks, public officials who profit off of prison nutrition systems, and the Austin bombings. Irma Solis from NYCLU and Stephanie Gibbs of Safe Passage Project join to help us understand how the DOJ, ICE and local police are violating due process of immigrant children every day.
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