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The Law Show

Weekly conversation that will give you an in-depth understanding of the law stories making news and the legal decisions that could have a bearing on everyone in the UK. Whether it's unpicking a landmark legal ruling, explaining how laws are made or seeking clarity for you on a legal issue, The Law Show will be your guide.

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Folgen von The Law Show

94 Folgen
  • Folge vom 15.06.2021
    Covid penalties
    Thousands of people have received fixed penalty notices for breaching Covid-19 restrictions, even though no offence had actually been committed in their cases. Yet there is no appeals procedure, and not paying the fines risks a criminal record. So what should happen with them? Sir Geoffrey Vos, the master of the rolls and head of civil justice, reveals how new online systems are increasingly doing away with the need to go to court. The legal profession used to be dominated by middle-aged, middle-class, white men, but that has been changing, and this year I. Stephanie Boyce became the first person of colour to be elected president of the Law Society, the professional body for solicitors in England and Wales. What are her priorities for her tenure? The recent quashing of the convictions for theft and false accounting of 39 sub-postmasters after Britain's biggest miscarriage of justice has laid open the world of private criminal prosecutions. It was not the Crown Prosecution Service that took the sub-postmasters to court, but the Post Office itself. Should private prosecutions now be regulated? Presenter: Joshua Rozenberg Producer: Arlene Gregorius Researcher: Diane Richardson
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  • Folge vom 08.06.2021
    Traumatic brain injury and crime
    Traumatic brain injury can cause neurological changes that make people more impulsive, less able to control their reactions, and less able to understand others. Therefore it's associated with violent crime. An estimated 60% of those in prison have a history of brain injury. But is prison the best place for them, and their rehabilitation? The criminal justice system is taking an ever greater interest in how to deal with traumatic brain injury. We hear about a Thames Valley Police pilot project to keep offenders out of prison, pre-sentence screening in the UK and elsewhere, and about an innovative court for those aged 18-25 in New Zealand. Brain injury is as common among women prisoners, often due to a history of suffering domestic violence. For these women their injuries, compounded by other factors, lead to mental health issues so serious that it's estimated that three quarters of them have tried to take their own lives. What are prisons doing to help them? And what about women prisoners' additional burdens, such as anxiety about separation from their children, which affects them more than men? Can a new report by the Chief Inspector of Prisons point to ways forward for England and Wales? Presenter: Joshua Rozenberg Producer: Arlene Gregorius Researcher: Diane Richardson
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  • Folge vom 23.04.2021
    Reforming Judicial Review
    Judicial Review is a mechanism to check the legality of decisions or actions by public bodies such as the government or parliament. But has this turned into "politics by another means"? The government commissioned Lord Faulks and a panel of experts to examine this question, and to make recommendations for reform. The report was published last week. But does the government now want to go much further than the recommendations in the report? Should there be legal aid for bereaved families whose relative died in the care of the state, such as in prison, a police cell or in a mental health in-patient setting? These deaths trigger "Article 2 inquests", referring to the right to life, protected under the European Convention on Human Rights. The coroner will want to find out what went wrong, so it doesn't happen again. The state has legal representation to defend itself, but the families often can't afford the specialist lawyers that, campaigners argue, are required for a level playing field. Family breakdown can mean former partners end up in court to try and resolve disputes. This can be time-consuming, with long delays, and be very costly. Could family arbitration be the solution? We eavesdrop on a mock arbitration to find out how it works. And how much cheaper are they really?Which UK elections can EU citizens vote in, and in what parts of the country? The answer is surprisingly complex for the votes in May - and will become more so in future elections.Details of organisations offering information and support with bereavement are available at, or you can call for free, at any time to hear recorded information on 08000 158 707.Presenter: Joshua Rozenberg Producer: Arlene Gregorius Researcher: Diane Richardson(Image: Lord Faulks. Credit: UK Parliament)
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  • Folge vom 16.03.2021
    Can the law fight climate change?
    Around the world environmentalists are taking governments and companies to court to fight climate change. Joshua Rozenberg explores how the law is evolving into a powerful activists' tool. In the first case of its kind, in a ruling that was upheld by the Dutch Supreme Court, the Netherlands were found to have a duty to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 25% compared to 1990, and this by December of last year. What happened?Apart from governments, companies are being sued by individuals or shareholders. For example, a Peruvian farmer has filed a case in a German court against a German electricity company for what he claims is its role in warming up the climate enough for him to be threatened by flooding as a nearby Andean glacier melts. In Poland activist shareholders sued the board of their utility company to stop the development of a new coal mine, claiming an "indefensible" financial risk, due to rising carbon costs and falling renewables prices. And senior lawyers are developing the concept of "ecocide", with the aim to make it an indictable offence at the International Criminal Court, analogous to genocide or crimes against humanity. So how is the law evolving to tackle climate change, asks Joshua Rozenberg.Producer: Arlene Gregorius Researcher: Diane Richardson
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