He calls himself a communist, an anarchist and a Catholic: Gianni Vattimo still wants to change the world.

Kultur & Gesellschaft
The Philosopher's Zone - Program podcast Folgen
The Philosopher's Zone looks at the world of philosophy and at the world through philosophy. The program addresses the big philosophical questions and arguments. It also explores what philosophical analysis can contribute to our understanding of some of the fundamental and perplexing issues that face the world today.
Folgen von The Philosopher's Zone - Program podcast
133 Folgen
Folge vom 08.12.2013Gianni Vattimo
Folge vom 01.12.2013But is it art?Ok, so what is art, and what do comic books have to do with it?
Folge vom 24.11.2013Dr WhoWhat a 900-year-old trans-temporal traveller can tell us about some timeless questions.
Folge vom 17.11.2013Is that really you?Plotinus advised that we should never stop sculpting our own statue; no truer word in the era of social media.