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AmphibiCast is the Original Amphibian Focused Podcast. Each weekly episode features informative and educational content for hobbyists, naturalists, ecologists, pet enthusiasts and anyone who appreciates frogs, toads and salamanders.

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Folgen von AmphibiCast

193 Folgen
  • Folge vom 16.07.2021
    Episode 49. "Frog Business" -A Conversation with Alex Menke of Frog Daddy
    In this episode I am once again joined by Alex Menke of Frog Daddy and we discuss the ins and outs of operating a dart frog business. We touch on the challenges of opening a brick and mortar store,  managing a business during Covid, and the importance of good employees. Alex and I also discuss some of the new projects that  FrogDaddy is engaged in, along with many of the new species and locales that  he is working with. If you'd like to support the show visit:
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  • Folge vom 10.07.2021
    Episode 48. Jacks World of Wildlife
    Tonight my guest is Jack Schulhoff of Jack's World of Wildlife. Jack has a successful YouTube channel where he observes and interacts with various forms of wildlife across the globe, and he is also an avid dart frog enthusiast! In this episode we discuss life as a wildlife documentary presenter, the legacy of Steve Irwin, and how Jack maintains his private collection of dozens of Oophaga species and locales. 
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  • Folge vom 02.07.2021
    Episode 47. The Amphibian Pandemic - Chytrid with Dr. Taegan McMahon
    Tonight I am joined by Dr. Taegan McMahon. Taegan is a Disease Ecologist and she has studied Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) (commonly known as chytrid) quite extensively. In this episode we discuss the lifecycle of the fungus, how it is spread and what the future holds.  We also  discuss the surprising role that non amphibian hosts, such as crayfish and birds have in spreading Bd and how a  possible vaccine for the fungus may be available in the near future. 
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  • Folge vom 25.06.2021
    Episode 46. Pros and Cons of Different Enclosure Types
    There are many available options for housing amphibians in captivity these days. But how do we know which one is the best? Well, the answer isn't always straight forward, and different setups suit certain situations better than others. In this episode I provide a quick rundown of some common enclosure types along with the pros and cons of each. 
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