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AmphibiCast is the Original Amphibian Focused Podcast. Each weekly episode features informative and educational content for hobbyists, naturalists, ecologists, pet enthusiasts and anyone who appreciates frogs, toads and salamanders.

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Folgen von AmphibiCast

193 Folgen
  • Folge vom 24.04.2021
    Episode 37. "The Isopod Episode" with Rachel Schindler of Pet Pedes and Pods
    Microfauna are an integral part of naturalistic vivariums. Many keepers are utilizing isopods as supplemental cleanup crews and, as the hobby develops, they are becoming more and more popular. Rachel Schindler of Pet Pedes and Pods was kind enough to sit down with me tonight and share some of her insights into isopod keeping. Rachel breeds and works with dozens of different varieties of isopods and millipedes; and in this episode we not only talk about how to keep  isopods successfully as cleanup crews, but also how to keep some of the more collectible species on their own.  We also get into millipede care and the state of the isopod hobby. Feel free to follow Pet Pedes and Pods on Instagram and visit
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  • Folge vom 17.04.2021
    Episode 36. Tools of the Trade - "Must Have Tools for the Frog Room"
    No hobby is complete without a set of tools to go along with it and in this episode I share some of my experiences with some of my favorite husbandry tools. From day-to-day maintenance tools,  to emergency necessities,  these are all must have items for any frog room. For listener discounts on In Situ Vivariums visit
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  • Folge vom 09.04.2021
    Episode 35. A Conversation with Mike Tytula - Alpha Reptiles,Youtube, and More.
    If you've ever spent some time on YouTube looking for dart frog videos you've definitely come across Mike Tytula's channel.  Mike keeps a wide variety of herps and his channel is a great place to go for top quality content. In tonight's episode Mike and I talk about his channel, what makes for good care advice, the exotics hobby in Canada and much more. We also share some of our personal insights with each other in terms of  how the hobby has grown, how to advise beginners and Mike gives us an update on his upcoming projects (which include  podcast of his own). 
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  • Folge vom 27.03.2021
    Episode 34. Everything Xenopus with Dr. Marko Horb of the National Xenopus Resource
    Have you ever wanted to know everything there is to know about the Xenopus genus? Well, this is the episode you have been waiting for. Tonight my guest is Dr. Marko Horb of the National Xenopus Resource and we discuss the genus from top to bottom. Xenopus (commonly known as African clawed frogs) have been model organisms in labs for almost a century and are also an extremely popular genus among hobbyists. Our understating of them has grown tremendously over the years and they have been instrumental in the development of medical applications for humans. Marko walks us through their beginnings in  early labs, their lifecycles, husbandry specifics, and much more. Dr. Horb is also the Lab's Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) Chairman, and we go on to discuss the specifics of amphibian animal welfare and high standards  that the lab consistently exceeds.  This episode is packed with  information that any amphibian enthusiast can appreciate so sit back and enjoy it. 
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