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AmphibiCast is the Original Amphibian Focused Podcast. Each weekly episode features informative and educational content for hobbyists, naturalists, ecologists, pet enthusiasts and anyone who appreciates frogs, toads and salamanders.

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Folgen von AmphibiCast

193 Folgen
  • Folge vom 13.02.2021
    Episode 29. The Great Substrate Debate
    Earlier this month a listener asked me which substate was best for a certain species. I started thinking about the different substrates that I have used over the past thirty years and rather than choose one, I thought it would be interesting to discuss some of the pros and cons associated with various substrates. When choosing a proper substate it is important that we consider the animal's natural history and whether or not we are looking to go naturalistic or utilitarian. Each species has its own specific needs and sometimes even individual animals benefit from different substates at different times. In this episode I discuss everything from humble paper towels to more derived and complicated substates, and situations where they are appropriate. 
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  • Folge vom 06.02.2021
    Episode 28. "Silkworms with Susan"
    Hobbyists, zoo keepers and breeders all understand the value that quality prey items have in a captive diet.  As our understanding of amphibians increases, so does our concern for their well-being. There are many different prey items to choose from, yet there is one that's always had a bit of mystery surrounding it. Of course I am referring to... -the silkworm.  Silkworms have been in the trade for a long time yet they always seem to be unavailable for purchase and information on their care is often scant and inconsistent. Thankfully we have people like Susan Marquardt to set the record straight. Susan is the founder of  Beastmode Silkworms and in this episode she shares her insights into how to best acquire, raise and feed silkworms. She also shares the caveats to their care and clarifies some of the rumors that surround them. For more information visit
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  • Folge vom 30.01.2021
    Episode 27. Waxy Monkeys, Hobby Staples, and Supplements, with Jay Sommers of Sandfire Dragon Ranch
    Jay Sommers has successfully kept and bred hundreds of species in his 30 year tenure working with herps. He is currently heading operations at Sandfire Dragon Ranch and in tonight's episode we discuss a variety of topics including his work with Phyllomedusa sauvagii (commonly known as the waxy monkey tree frog), his attitudes towards hobby staples vs. uncommon species, and his thoughts on the importance of supplementation. 
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  • Folge vom 23.01.2021
    Episode 26. Kathy Wormald, CEO of Froglife
    Kathy Wormald is the CEO of Froglife,  a UK based charitable organization that works towards the conservation of native UK species. In this episode we talk about the goals of Froglife, concerns unique to UK herps,  engaging the public and much more. 
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