Hobbyists, zoo keepers and breeders all understand the value that quality prey items have in a captive diet. As our understanding of amphibians increases, so does our concern for their well-being. There are many different prey items to choose from, yet there is one that's always had a bit of mystery surrounding it. Of course I am referring to... -the silkworm. Silkworms have been in the trade for a long time yet they always seem to be unavailable for purchase and information on their care is often scant and inconsistent. Thankfully we have people like Susan Marquardt to set the record straight. Susan is the founder of Beastmode Silkworms and in this episode she shares her insights into how to best acquire, raise and feed silkworms. She also shares the caveats to their care and clarifies some of the rumors that surround them. For more information visit beastmodesilks.com