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Kultur & LiteraturTalk

Arts & Ideas

Leading thinkers discuss the ideas shaping our lives – looking back at the news and making links between past and present. Broadcast as Free Thinking, Fridays at 9pm on BBC Radio 4. Presented by Matthew Sweet, Shahidha Bari and Anne McElvoy.

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Folgen von Arts & Ideas

1999 Folgen
  • Folge vom 17.07.2012
    Proms Plus Literary - Pygmalion
    George Bernard Shaw’s play Pygmalion, the inspiration for My Fair Lady, is discussed by Shaw’s biographer Sir Michael Holroyd and Professor of Irish History, Roy Foster. Henry Higgins and Eliza Doolittle are brought to life by the actors Tim Pigott-Smith and Rachael Stirling, who recently appeared in Pygmalion on stage. Matthew Sweet presents.
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  • Folge vom 13.07.2012
    Night Waves - Lowry & Kuhn
    Philip Dodd casts an irreverent eye over the reputations of two figures who loom large in the 20th century -- the painter L S Lowry and the historian of science, Thomas Kuhn. He's joined by the Booker Prize winner and Lowry fan, Howard Jacobson and the art critic, James Malpas and the philosopher and Kuhnian, Rupert Read and the science writer, Gabrielle Walker. Also Amanda Hopkinson and Geoff Dyer will be discussing Voyeurism and New Generation Thinker Martin Goodman reflects on the way scientists have grappled with the notion of bad air.
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  • Folge vom 12.07.2012
    Night Waves - James Fenton
    James Fenton joins Rana Mitter to talk about his latest poetry collection, Yellow Tulips, and the themes of inspiration, politics and love. Tommie Smith, who made the iconic Black Power Salute with John Carlos at the 1968 Olympic Games, discusses the enduring struggle of black politics. As a rare production of Ibsen's first play, St John's Night, opens, theatre critic Susannah Clapp considers the gloomy Scandinavian's under-appreciated comic side. And New Generation Thinker Jonathan Healey explores how 17th Century Britain finally beat the spectre of famine.
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  • Folge vom 11.07.2012
    Night Waves - London
    In a year when all eyes are on London, Matthew Sweet explores London's place as a world city, and asks if London really is the centre of arts and culture it claims to be. He discusses this with Neil O'Brien of the think tank Policy Exchange and Aditya Chakrabortty of the Guardian at Tower Bridge. At the South Bank Centre Matthew meets with its artistic director Jude Kelly, the novelist Lesley Lokko and the culture editor of Monocle, Robert Bound. And he finally talks to Radio 3 New Generation Thinker Nandini Das and also to the 'Gentle Author' of the Spitalfields Life blog.
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